Frequently asked questions

How to search products?

Search for products by entering the product name or keyword into the Search Bar at the top of any page. Try to enter a general description. The more keywords you use, the less products you will get in the results page. When you find a product you’re interested in, simply click the product name or the product image for more details.

How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping costs are calculated based on shipping method (air, sea or land), the warehouse location and product weight / volume. Different shipping companies have different rates, so it’s best to check and compare which is most affordable and economical. For more details on shipping costs, see the shipping and delivery.

How long does it take for the delivery service?

Delivery can take from 3-7 days to 3-4 weeks, maybe more due to unexpected conditions such as covid, and it highly depends on where the product is shipped from. On the product page, click the location of the closest warehouse. The rule of thumb is that most of our products, and therefore the deliveries, are from the factories warehouses in China, although the companies making our gadgets may also have warehouses in United States, Europe, Australia etc.

If not stated otherwise on the product’s page (or checkout page), the item will be delivered from China.

The delivery is taking too long. Why?

First of all, please mind that the delivery times (as stated on the shipping page) are estimated. Secondly, in some cases the payment processor (in the photo below, PayPal) might decide not to release the money into our account – this, of course, makes it impossible for us to proceed with the delivery. For an order to be delivered, we have to cash in the payment first, so in some unfortunate cases it means we need more days to get the funds from PayPal, Stripe or whoever is processing our sales.

What payment method should I use?

We currently offer PayPal, card payments and wire transfer. We suggest you use the one that’s best for you, but we have to let you know that the wire transfer (i.e. Alternative Payment Method) will get you a discount of 1%.

In case you would like to purchase in bulk, either to resell or supply your company/employees and we can make a better offer, the payment must be done by bank transfer. Contact us with more information and we will email the bank details information and a proforma for your order.

The shipping notification email does not contain a tracking number!

Small value orders might not have a public tracking number at all, depending on the price and delivery company, but the higher value orders should have one. If the first shipping notification email does not contain a tracking number, a second email will be issued as soon as the tracking number will be issued (usually 2-3 days).

Why the tracking number can’t be found (or doesn’t work)?

After the orders are delivered and the tracking number is issued by the delivery company, it could take a few days for the tracking number number to become known/available for the tracking services such as, that we also use on our website. Wait 2-3 days before tracking your order again. Additionally, if the tracking number will change, you will get a notification about the new one, by email.

Why are there more similar products with different prices?

You might search for a certain brand/model/name and find more than one products having different prices. This is because of the country of shipping, the shipping options or the extra items that might be delivered with the product.

Is Shipping Free for all products?

Short answer is yes, we do offer free shipping, so the price you will see is the price you will pay.

However, there are shipping fees for some of our more expensive products, and these will be calculated based on shipping method (air, sea or land) and product weight / volume, and will be displayed on the checkout page (no hidden fees). Free shipping might not be available in all countries.

What is Buyer Protection?

Buyer Protection is a set of guarantees that enables buyers to shop with confidence on our website. You are protected when:

  1. The item you ordered did not arrive within the guaranteed delivery time.
  2. The item you received was not as described.
  3. The item you received that was assured to be genuine was fake.

Can I have an invoice for customs?

Sure, please use this link to generate your own proforma invoice.

I’ve received a wrong product/parcel. What can I do?

First of all, please check that this is your order, sent by our company. The tracking number should be visible on the parcel.

Secondly, do not open the item box/bag or try to use it. If returned, it must be contained in its original sealed box.

Third, if you’d like to return it and get refunded, check if you’re eligible and submit a claim. Otherwise, if you decide to keep it, simply do nothing.

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